RMFB15 force commander Ruel Dangos Tagel promoted to full-fledged PCOL

PROMOTION. PRO Cordillera regional director PBGEN David K. Peredo, Jr. presides over the oath-taking and donning of ranks ceremony at Camp Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on November 24, 2023, marking the official promotion of Regional Mobile Force Battalion 15 (RMFB15) commander Ruel Dangos Tagel as a full-fledged Police Colonel (PCOL). (Photos by PRO Cordillera PIO)

CAMP BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – In a solemn and prestigious ceremony held at the PRO Cordillera Log Cabin in Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet, Police Colonel Ruel Dangos Tagel was officially promoted to the rank of Police Colonel (PCOL).

The event, which took place on Friday, November 24, 2023, marked a significant milestone in Tagel’s career within the Regional Mobile Battalion 15 (RMFB15).

The Oath-Taking and Donning of Ranks Ceremony was the centerpiece of the day’s program, presided over by the esteemed PRO Cordillera Regional Director, PBGEN David K. Peredo, Jr.

The Assistant Division Chief of the Regional Personnel and Records Management Division, PLTCOL Geraldine F. Aydoc, played a pivotal role by reading the promotion order, while the blessings for the rank insignias and accouterments were led by the Regional Pastoral Officer, PMAJ Alexander V. Pardo.

The atmosphere was one of honor and celebration as PCOL Tagel, flanked by family members, stood tall while donning the new rank, administered by PBGEN Peredo.

The ceremony also witnessed the presence of influential figures such as Hon. Vladimir D Cayabas, Chairman of the Battalion Advisory Group for Police Transformation and Development (BAGPTD) of RMFB15, and BAGPTD member, Angeline Pamela B Carino.

The attendance of the Company Commanders, Battalion Staff of RMFB15, and other PRO Cordillera personnel added to the significance of the occasion.

In his address, PBGEN Peredo congratulated PCOL Tagel for his well-deserved promotion, emphasizing the immense responsibility that comes with higher rank.

“Your promotion is the best Christmas gift that you received this year which will inspire you to perform your duties. Getting the promotion is not only glory and honor but also signifies a bigger obligation and accountability to the community we serve,” PBGEN Peredo expressed.

PCOL Tagel, visibly grateful and humbled by the support, conveyed his heartfelt gratitude to the Regional Director, the entire PRO Cordillera team, and his family for their unwavering support throughout his journey. 

The ceremony concluded on a note of pride and optimism as PCOL Tagel embarked on his new role with a heightened sense of commitment and duty towards serving the community.


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