Investigators conclude unattended cigarette as cause of Baguio market inferno

The Bureau of Fire Protection National Headquarters (BFP-NHQ) concluded its investigation into the fire that occurred at the Baguio City public market on March 11, 2023 and recommended closing the case, considering it an accidental fire, but left the possibility of reopening it if new evidence or witnesses emerge. … Read More >Investigators conclude unattended cigarette as cause of Baguio market inferno

Investigation reveals no electrical or flammable factors in Baguio market fire

The results of the testing conducted on the ashes and electrical debris revealed that the fire, which engulfed the Baguio City Public Market at approximately 11:30 PM on March 11, 2023, was not caused by faulty electrical wiring or any flammable substance. … Read More >Investigation reveals no electrical or flammable factors in Baguio market fire