P2.3M illegal drugs seized in latest PROCOR operation

CAMP BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet -The PRO Cordillera cops have arrested a street level drug personality and seized a total of Php2,300,000.00 worth of illegal drugs in separate anti-illegal drugs operations conducted in the provinces of Benguet and Kalinga on April 18, 2024. 
In Kalinga, the joint operatives of 2nd Kalinga Provincial Mobile Force Company and Lubuagan Municipal Police Station arrested a 24-year-old male construction worker, who is a resident of Decahomes, Marilao, Bulacan and listed as a Street Level Individual, after he was intercepted at a checkpoint in Sitio Dinakan, Brgy Dangoy, Lubuagan transporting bags containing a total of 16 marijuana bricks weighing more or less 16 kilograms with a Standard Drug Price (SDP) of Php1,920,000.00.
The suspect and the confiscated pieces of evidence were brought to Lubuagan MPS for documentation and proper disposition, while charges for violating RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 are being filed against the suspect. 
Meanwhile, in a marijuana eradication operation conducted in Benguet, a total of 100 pieces of fully grown marijuana plants and 3 kilograms of dried marijuana stalks with fruiting tops with SDP of Php380,000.00 were discovered in two plantation sites found in Sitio Banengyawan, Brgy Poblacion, Kibungan.
The discovered marijuana plants were uprooted and burned on site after proper documentation while an ongoing investigation is being conducted to identify possible marijuana cultivators in the area.


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