LT1, Bokod, secure spots in Cong. Yap Congressional Cup finals

CONGRESSIONAL CUP. The stage is set for an exhilarating finals matchup between La Trinidad 1 and Bokod as both teams eye the Cong. Eric Go Yap Congressional Cup title. In circular motion from left to right: Tuba's Fruto Luzadas battles for the rebound against Bokod's Rey Gabino and Jovencio Caleno during their semi-finals match; Will Kean Lee of La Trinidad 1 tries to secure the rebound against Itogon's Omer Baluch, Chad Villanueva, and Jude Quitolbo; Bokod's Junrey Buenaventura is hobbled by Tuba's Jordan Antonio and John Cedric Pugong; Will Kean Lee goes for a lay-up; and Lee's strong drive scores an easy two during the semi-finals match against Itogon, held at the Benguet Sports Complex on Monday, November 13, 2023. (Photos by Larry Fabian).

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – In an electrifying showdown at the Benguet Sports Complex, La Trinidad 1 and Bokod triumphed in the semi-final clashes of the Cong. Eric Go Yap Congressional Cup, securing their places in the highly anticipated finals.

La Trinidad 1 Clinches First Finals Seat

La Trinidad 1 showcased their prowess, overcoming Itogon with a final score of 98-86 in a game marked by the absence of key player Armando Pollante.

Despite Pollante’s absence, La Trinidad 1 surged ahead early, fueled by the remarkable performances of Jason Alvaran, Will Kean Lee, and Kean Zachary Diaz.

Lee, leading the charge, emphasized the team’s reliance on a robust defense in the absence of essential players.

“We have to be more aggressive on defense due to a key player being absent. We can’t win without (good) defense,” Lee said.

Coach Jong del Rosario commended the team’s collective effort, highlighting their defensive maneuvers that curbed Itogon’s offensive threats.

The absence of Pollante and Neil Ulep didn’t hinder La Trinidad 1, as they capitalized on speed and strategic plays.

“With no Pollante and Ulep, everybody stepped – up. We have to stop Kim Padawag then we took advantage on our speed with Chad Villanueva and Omer Baluch inside, and it clicked,” del Rosario said.

Lee spearheaded La Trinidad 1’s victory with a stellar performance, contributing 23 points, eight rebounds, eight assists, and three steals.

Alvaran, Diaz, and John Tuazon provided crucial support, securing 17, 15, and 12 points, respectively.

On the opposing side, despite a commendable effort from Kim Padawag, supported by Chad Villanueva and Jude Quitolbo, Itogon fell short in their pursuit.

Bokod Seizes Second Finals Spot

Meanwhile, Bokod maneuvered past Tuba in a hard-fought battle, claiming a 76-62 victory and securing their spot in the finals.

The top seed, Bokod, dominated the game early on, establishing a significant lead, which, despite Tuba’s attempts at a comeback, they managed to maintain.

Cyril de Vera, the league’s scoring leader, initially had a subdued performance, allowing Fruto Luzadas III to lead Tuba’s offensive charge.

However, Rey Gabino and Darwin Fernandez stepped up for Bokod, steering the team’s offensive drive.

Bokod faced a challenge when Tuba rallied, reducing their lead from 25 to 9 points, but they regained control to seal the win.

Buenaventura’s leadership on the court and Fernandez, Gabino, and Alimba’s contributions were pivotal in securing Bokod’s victory.

Luzadas led Tuba’s charge with 18 points, while de Vera and John Cedric Pugong contributed significantly.

Despite Tuba’s valiant effort, Bokod’s consistent performance throughout the game propelled them to the finals.

The stage is set for an exhilarating finals matchup between La Trinidad 1 and Bokod as both teams eye the Cong. Eric Go Yap Congressional Cup title.

The finals promise an intense showdown of talent, strategy, and determination as these teams vie for championship glory.


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