Trustworthy Road Against Poverty or Oppression (TRAPO)

SPECIFICALLY, BUT PESSIMISTICALLY WE ALSO ASK: When life is hampered by poverty, oppression, or ignorance, what is the most trustworthy road to success?
Poverty, oppression, and ignorance are born together. When one exists, the others exist. When one is real, all is real. They form vicious circle resulting to vicious cycle that must be eradicated all at the same time otherwise they remain obstacles to successful life.
Ignorance, oppression, and poverty are equally natural monsters that accompanied us at birth.
They were born with us, and it is our lifetime endeavor to work against them as they continue to enslave us. Ignorance is equivalent to lack of knowledge or power, the root of poverty or allowance of oppression.
When one is ignorant, that one is poor or oppressed.
When one is poor, that one is oppressed or ignorant.
When one is oppressed, that one is poor or ignorant.
When one is poor, oppressed, or ignorant, that one must discover and travel the trustworthy road to escape from poverty, oppression, or ignorance.
The trustworthy road makes the poor rich, the oppressed free or the ignorant wise.
Poverty or oppression cannot be truly eliminated while ignorance exists or vice versa.
The elimination of poverty, oppression or ignorance must be dependable, honorable, honest, reliable, responsible, truthful, or upright.
The TRUSTWORTHY ROAD is an escape from the different the faces of poverty, oppression or ignorance as slavery, tyranny, prejudice, greed, etc.