BAGUIO CITY – City officials have approved Ordinance No. 89, series of 2023 prescribing new rules and regulations in the conduct of fun runs and other races in the summer capital, primarily for the safety and security of participants.
The city government welcomes the growing popularity of running not only for its beneficial effects on health and physical fitness but also for the charity and advocacy derived from the participants while also helping boost the city’s economy because of the influx of participants through local sports tourism.
“As fun runs, foot races and other similar events affect the traffic situation of the city, the environment and whenever the city is placed under storm signals or during inclement weather, the city of Baguio shall provide various provisions to ensure safe and orderly conduct of different activities of the organizers, participants and the city itself, involved in the said event,” the ordinance stated.
Through the implementation of new regulations, city officials aim to ensure participant safety and streamline the event’s requirements.
This initiative will further promote a well-organized and cohesive framework for all foot-related activities within Baguio City.
The ordinance provides that only Baguio City-based organizers and race directors will be accredited by the City Council of Baguio, through a resolution to conduct, facilitate, promote, aid, or solicit attendance to any fun runs and other races in Baguio City.
The organizers must submit their Letter of Intent with the details of the activity through the Committee on Youth Welfare and Sports Development which will then be endorsed to the City Council.
The accreditation for new organizers and race directors will remain valid for one year, whereas those previously accredited by the City Council will enjoy a three-year validity period.
Organizers and race directors who intend to renew their accreditation must submit their accomplishment report per activity conducted to the City Council as attachment to their renewal using a standard template from the City Sports Office.
Fun run and races organized by non-Baguio City based individuals are required to tie-up with accredited Baguio City-based organizers and race directors before they can stage an event in the city.
All fun runs and races must be coordinated with the City Sports Office prior to any publication of the activity as to the route.
Races for a cause must procure a Solicitation Permit from the City Social Welfare and Development Office pursuant to Ordinance No. 59 series of 2013, with financial reports and documentation on the turn-over of proceeds to identified beneficiaries.
Organizers are also required to pay a special permit fee to the City Treasury Office as follows:
- Local races – P1,000;
- Regional races – P5,000;
- National races – P10,000; and
- International races – P15,000.
Coordination with the Traffic Enforcement Unit of the Baguio City Police Office and the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office or accredited safety and emergency volunteer groups must be made by the organizer prior to the conduct of the activity as to the number of participants and route marshals.
Permit applications for local events must be made 30 days prior to the event while for national and international events, permits must be applied at least 180 days ahead of the proposed date of activity.
Organizers are mandated to provide the following:
- adequate emergency and medical services;
- appropriate security, marshal and crowd management;
- appropriate traffic control measures including barricades, fencing, traffic cones among others;a
- ppropriate availability of potable water or drinking water stands along the route; and,
- adequate baggage counters.
Approval from the City Council is required to obtain a permit for temporarily closing roads during the race.
An environmental security bond for local organizers and race directors shall be deposited to the City Treasury Office accordingly, as follows:
- Local organizers at P3,000 effective for three years;
- Regional and national organizers at P15,000 per activity; and
- International organizers at P50,000 per activity.
Security bonds are refundable within 30 days after accounting of damages.
If damages exceed the deposited bond, penalties will be applied with the following:
- P3,000 for first offense and suspension for six months;
- P4,000 for second offense and suspension for 12 months; and
- P5,000 for third offense and suspension for 18 months.
Fun runs and races conducted without proper accreditation and permits will incur a fine of P5,000 and a three-year prohibition from organizing such activities.