Retiring police officers honored for invaluable service in "Salamat Kapatid"

CAMP DANGWA, La Trindad, Benguet — The Police Regional Office Cordillera (PROCOR) honored four retiring police officers for their commendable and invaluable service during the retirement honors ceremony dubbed “Salamat Kapatid” at the Masigasig Grandstand on Thursday, June 15, 2023.

The honorees for the ceremony were PMAJ Noel P. Bagtuna of Ifugao Police Provincial Office (PPO), PEMS Jovem T. Tingday of the Abra PPO, PEMS John Melvin A. Bosoen of the Benguet PPO, and PEMS Butch G. Martinez of the Regional Medical and Dental Unit (RMDU)-Cordillera.

During the program, PROCOR regional director David K. Peredo, Jr. presented awards and plaques to the retiring cops, with the assistance of other members of the Command Group.

The ceremony also included the presentation of certificates of recognition to the families of the honorees, expressing gratitude for their unwavering support and dedication that enabled the retiring cops to contribute significantly to the Philippine National Police (PNP).

In his valedictory address, PMAJ Bagtuna, representing the retirees, expressed his appreciation to his family and colleagues for their steadfast support throughout his career in the police service.

He also encouraged the members of the PNP, particularly those in PROCOR, to uphold their commitment and love to serve and protect the Filipino people, carrying forward the mandate entrusted to them.

The retirement honors ceremony, “Salamat Kapatid,” served as a fitting tribute to the retiring cops, recognizing their years of service, sacrifice, and contributions to maintaining peace and order in the region.
